Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Lady Waits

Folksinger Spirits

Crowing in the Night

The paintings above were done last month. New Year's Resolution: To be much better about posting on my blog.

***And, yes, I've just these hung these and other paintings at the Roswell Teahouse, 108 Magnolia St., Roswell, 30075 (Historic Roswell, close to Canton St. and gallery row).

Opening reception:

Friday, Jan. 21, 6:30-9 p.m.

We'll have tea and treats. A bonus is that not only are my paintings on exhibit, but my son, Andre, also had some of his wonderful paintings in the show. There is a good chance he'll bring his guitar and sing for us, too.

I hope to see you there!

On the day after Christmas, sun shining, frigid temperatures and snow still shining on branches outside, I feel sort of housebound, not wanting to risk the streets that might still be icy. I stayed in and finished a painting -- "House of the Heart." Not sure why that title came to me, but it seems stuck on this piece of artwork. There's nothing sweet about this one. There is something of the animal warrior in it. Hot coals and prussian blues. Strength and maybe even some anger. Even the technique is not my gentlest. All that said, I enjoyed bringing it to the finish line and felt good to see it done. I actually like it.